Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Petroleum Reserves, Production Capabilities and BBM Consumption Rate in Indonesia

Petroleum Reserves, Production Capabilities and BBM Consumption Rate in Indonesia
(Fulled to complete the Environtment Sciense assigment)

Created By:
1.      Wontin Muyassaroh                (110210153005)
2.      Yuly Dian Nur Fajariyah        (110210153009)


            Thanks to the presence of Allah SWT prayeth author, who upon his mercy, and also our parents so the writer can complete the preparation of the scientific research work entitled " PETROLEUM RESERVES, PRODUCTION CAPABILITIES AND BBM CONSUMPTION RATE IN INDONESIA ". Writing a research report is one of the tasks and requirements to complete the final semester of the Basic Of Biology of Jember University.
            In writing this paper the author feels there are still many shortcomings both in technical writing and material. To that criticism and suggestions from all parties is the author of hope for the consummation of this report.
            In writing this paper the author expressed his gratitude to the countless parties who assist in completing this research, in particular to:
1.      Drs. Wachju Subchan, M.S., P.h.D. and Prof. Dr. Joko Waluyo M.Si as a lecturer in Environment Science that has guided us in completing this paper.
2.      In particular the authors would like to thank loved ones who have provided encouragement and assistance and understanding of the authors, both during the lectures and in completing this report
3.      All parties that can not be mentioned one by one, which has provided assistance in the writing of this report.
            Finally, the author hopes may Allah reward in kind to those who have provided assistance, and can make all this aid as worship, Amiin Yaa Robbal 'alamiin.

                                                                                    Jember, 21 May 2012



1.1 Background
The energy crisis is one of the main problems facing the nation Indonesia. Fossil energy resources in the form of petroleum, natural gas and coal that had been used to fulfill the everyday needs - a good day for household use or for industrial and transportation are running low along with increasing time. While from graphic data of source consumsy in 1970 until 2002 showing that energy requirements have to fulled by society has increase from year to year especially in energy source namely petroleum.
Fossil energy resource is energy that can’t to refurbished (unrenewable energy) or can’t back get after used, so predicted in several years letter availability of energy resources will be depleted in nature. According to estimates, the coal will be exhausted in 50 years, natural gas in 30 years and 11 years of petroleum. The limited means of satisfying human needs in this case is the source of fossil energy whereas many of the needs of humanity and should be fulfilled course will cause the long queue in front of SPBU that allow the emergence of anarchic acts in the society, because the scramble to obtain scarce fuel available for the necessities of life, uneven fuel distribution, of problems of criminality by persons who utilize this situation for personal gain by hoarding BBM and others.

1.2 Formulation Of The Problems
1.2.1 What is the problem of energy source in Indonesia?
1.2.2 How to solve the problems?
1.2.3 What is the impact of the problems?

1.3 The Aim
1.3.1 To know the problems of energy source in Indonesia
1.3.2 To know how the way to solve  the problems
1.3.3 To know the impact of the problems


2.1  The Problem Of Energy Source In Indonesia
Indonesia has many kind of new energy resources fossil energy or renewable energy. Energy resources fossil that consist of petroleum, natural gas, and coal, the relatively are very limited. Proven reserves of petroleum in 2005 about 4.2 billion barrels and with the level of oil production is currently about 500 million barrels, The reserves in less than 10 years will be completely used. The reserves proven natural gas that only about 97 TCF per year production rate of 82.9 TCF will be exhausted in 30 years. The reserves proven coal of about 5 billion tons by the year 2002 production level of about 100 million tonnes will only be used for 50 years. Renewable energy potential is quite good, such as water power of 75 thousand MW that now only used for 4200 MW, proved reserves for 2300 MW of geothermal energy is currently only used about 800 MW, in addition biomass, solar, wind and other energy resources that are need to be accounted.
As a developing country Indonesia is predicted (between 2006 to 2030) had an average growth rate of around 6% per year. To achieve the economic growth, energy requirements is predicted to rise to 4-fold from 815 million SBM (Setara Baret Minyak) in 2005 became 3629 million in 2030 SBM.
Transportation as the third largest energy user in 2005 at the rate of increase of 9% per year, in 2030 became the largest user. Industrial sector which is the largest user of fossil energy in 2006, in 2030 will drop that second place with a growth rate of 6% per year. The second sector is the dominant use of fuel oil as the fuel, so the supplies needs to be guaranteed that the growth of national development is not disrupted. Therefore, ethanol, or bio-oil. Food is another source of energy can be conserved into biofuel.
National energy issues are being hotly debated in national and global scale, in principle, can be grouped into 3 (three) aspects: social, economic and environmental. social aspect concerns such as energy infrastructure that still limited, the energy consumption per capita that still low compared with other countries, electrification ratio that still low (59%), and the electricity crisis in some areas, particularly outside Java-Madura-Bali
Economic aspects of the main problems include growth and high energy intensity, imbalance between energy supply and demand, dependence on petroleum products that still high, low energy prices and subsidies that continue to increase, limitation of petroleum resources and the reserve source of alternative energy that is large enough but not much developed (EBT), and limited funding for the development of energy sector and while it is less energy sector business climate to attract private investors in the domestic and foreign.
The third aspect is the environmental aspects are environmental problems caused by the high dependence on fossil fuel usage, either locally-health (pollutant substances) and globally as global warming due to greenhouse gases, acid rain and ozone layer destruction.

v  The Need For Energy and Consumer
Until now, this is still happening maze of information from the media, government institutions and LSM on the national production capacity compared to the national fuel demand. Level requirements of fuel oil (BBM) in Indonesia has now reached more than 1.3 million barrels per day, while national oil production is only 950 barrels per day, due to increase national energy request continues to rise causing the government subsidies covered is higher. Therefore, the government campaign to so that people can continue to save on BBM consumption. Java-Bali is located on the first use of BBM, that as many as 57 percent of total national BBM usage so that the basis for the government to implement the declaration of the National BBM Efficient Movement.
Final energy consumption of Indonesia in 2006 (Statistics DJLPE, 2006) which amounted to 526.142 million SBM is dominated by industrial sector (40.6%), then a row followed by the transportation sector (38%) and household and commercial (21.4%).

Tabel 1. Final Energy Consumption Persector 2006
Final Energy Consumption (Thousand SBM)
Household & Commercial
Source: Statistik DJLPE, 2006.

To Indonesia with energy consumption continues to increase along with population growth and economic development, the carbon emissions from the energy sector will continue to rise. Strategy to reduce carbon emissions from the energy sector the most optimal scenario is to use a Presidential Regulation No.5/2006 which include the diversification and conservation of energy. With this scenario, the resulting reduction in emissions by 17% in 2025, the cumulative cost of U.S. $ 53 billion or 0.4% of cumulative GDP from 2006 to 2025 (Draft Technology Need Assessment, 2008). Other scenarios have been considered by simulation (Carbon Capture and Storage, CCS, maximization  geothermal and nuclear), but in terms of cost and benefit seems difficult to realize.
Alternative energy problem is currently a lively debate in the public. Crisis of fuel oil (BBM) currently has inspired the public that Indonesia is is very dependent on petroleum, because seen from the land surface and the relatively fertile soil, with the. biodiversity that have waste, then Indonesia has the potential to develop fuel from plants or biofuels, which is a suitable alternative energy in Indonesia
Alternative energy biofuels that can be updated to strengthen the availability of fuel, but it is also environmentally friendly biofuels that can increase the air quality in several major cities in Indonesia. Thus, to develop this type of fuel to the harmonious cooperation of all parties, including governments, private industry and the automotive.

2.2         To Solve The Problems
Many ways that can be used to solve the BBM problems one of which is to develop the biofuel industry to produce biodiesel and bioethanol. The role of the industry is increasingly important given the current conditions and fluctuating crude oil prices tend to rise and the limited availability. Conditions and BBM shortages that now occurring should be the momentum for the government to set up policies that support usage biodiesel and bioethanol
Biofuel is fuel derived from vegetable oils, either biodiesel, bioethanol, or bio-oil. Biodiesel in its chemical elements are alkyl esters (methyl, ethyl, isopropyl, and the like) derived from fatty acids, usually biodiesel produced from palm oil, jatropha oil, etc.. Biodiesel is generally made through a metabolic reaction or etanolisis oils of vegetable or animal fats with alcohols (methanol/ethanol). Because physical and chemical properties similar to the alternative BBM that has huge potential to meet most needs of Diesel BBM.
Biodiesel made ​​from vegetable oils such as palm oil, coconut, castor, and so on. While bioethanol is made from materials such as sugary or starchy molasses, sorghum sap, palm sap, cassava, sweet potatoes, and other plant. The role of these two types of alternative fuels in the future it will be very important in overcoming the problems the energy crisis in Indonesia. In addition to supporting the clean development mechanism, as proclaimed in the Kyoto Protocol, the use of biofuels will also boost the economy of Indonesia.
If the reduction of 720 thousand kilo liters of imported Solar to biodiesel replaced implemented, it will need at least 200 thousand hectares of land and plantations will absorb as much as 65 thousand people working in plantations and five thousand people in the factory. With assuming diesel prices 30 cents per liter, foreign exchange amounting to 216 million U.S. dollars (USD 2 trillion) will be saved.
While for bioethanol, if 2 percent of consumption premium distribution with ethanol, it will need approximately 420 kiloliters of bioethanol. This will require approximately 2.5 million cassava produced from 90 thousand hectares of gardens and will provide employment as many as 650 thousand people in the plantation and a thousand people at the factory. So, foreign exchange amounting to U.S. $ 126 million (Rp 1.16 trillion) will be saved from the reduction of import premium, assuming the price of imported premium 30 U.S. cents per liter.
Bioethanol characteristics are as follows::

1. Has a high octane number

2. Can decreasae the level of smoke, particulate matter emissions that endanger the health and emissions of CO and CO2
3. Similar to gasoline, so its use not need engine modifications
4. Does not contain lead compounds
The use of biodiesel as an alternative fuel will be giving a lot for the nation benefitas. Moreover, biological resources in Indonesia are so abundant and so will not run out of raw materials. Types of renewable energy has energy resources that are naturally can not exhausted and be continuing if managed properly. For example, geothermal, biofuel, river flow, thermal solar, wind, ocean waves, ocean depth and temperature. As is known, biofuels derived from vegetable oils such as palm oil or palm oil (Crude Oil Palam) and castor oil or CJCO tree (Crude Jatropha Curcas Oil), biogas can be produced from the fermentation of animal waste, human and other plants like water hyacinth weed, kayambang, etc..
Great potential of agricultural resources to support the demand for energy (biogas, biofuel, biodiesel), for the purpose of conservation and environmental sustainability (composting, bio-fertilizer, bio-urine and for the primary purpose of food security (food security) itself. Because food and energy becomes a critical issue on a global scale, agricultural development should be accelerated to achieve that purpose while conserving environmental conditions.
Agricultural resources that consist of food (crop) agricultural waste and animal waste can be used for various purposes. Agricultural waste and animal waste can be processed into organic fertilizer or compost is very useful for increase the soil fertility and keep the existence of water for plants because organic material increase the in water retention capacity soil (soil water holding capacity). Animal waste also has the potential to produce biogas that is developed is an alternative energy.
As a liquid fuel, biodiesel is very easy to use and can be directly incorporated into the diesel engine without the need to modify the engine. Also, it can be mixed with diesel to produce biodiesel mixture that her higher cetane. Using biodiesel can be a solution for Indonesia to reduce dependence on imported diesel fuel by 39.7%. Biodiesel also has proven environmentally friendly because it not contains of sulfur.
If Biodiesel has many similarities with diesel BBM, another case with bioethanol. Bioetanol has many similarities with gasoline. Bioethanol is produced from plant vegetable sources of sugary, or starchy like molasses, palm sugar, sorghum, palm sap, cassava, sweet potato and others.
As one of the alternative fuel, ethanol portion of gasohol with up to 20 percent can be directly used in automotive engines made gasoline without causing technical problems and are environmentally friendly. Levels of carbon monoxide (CO) from the test results at 2500 rpm, for 20% gasohol recorded 0.76% CO gas, while the premium reached 3.66% and Pertamax is 2.85%.

2.3              The Impact Of The Problems
In Indonesia, the Earth is treated much oils used as fuel oil, which is one type of fuel used extensively in the era of industrialization. In Indonesia, oil prices often increase due to the reason that the government wanted to to reduce subsidies. The purpose of these reductions is said that the funds previously used for subsidies can be transferred to other things like education and infrastructure development. On the other hand, the increase is often triggered the rise in the price of other items such as consumer items, basic food and electricity tariffs could also be that  always opposed by the public.
On March 2012, the consumption of subsidized fuel reached 3.784 million kiloliters. Meanwhile, in February, BBM consumption is only 3.413 million kiloliters. But, the consumption rate were just the data submitted subsidized BBM distributor and not through the verification of BPH Migas. In addition, there are differences in the number of days that reached 31 in March and February only 28 so that people buy too much for fear of shortages ahead of price increases and some there are also hoarding action for commercial purposes. BPH Migas will continue to intensify supervision following the distribution of subsidized fuel prices to the economic disparity continues to expand.
Another effect that can be seen due to lack of availability of BBM in Indonesia, namely usage motor vehicles more increase. These factors occur because the cheapening of the price of motor vehicles in Indonesia. Consumer demand also increased. So many consumers of public transport users to switch to a motor vehicle. Generally, public transport users to switch to public transport because cheaper and faster instead of using public transport. But generally they do not know anything about the impact of the increasing use of motor vehicles.
Next the existence of competition with foreign oil companies to Indonesia. There are so many foreign oil companies that stand in Indonesia. Though Indonesia has only 35 oil fields. While foreign companies reached 141 oil fields. Worse, many consumers Indonesia are becoming interested in foreign companies.


3.1.1    Indonesia has many kinds of new energy resources fossil energy or renewable energy. Energy resources fossil that consist of petroleum, natural gas, and coal, the relatively are very limited. Proven reserves of petroleum in 2005 about 4.2 billion barrels and with the level of oil production is currently about 500 million barrels.
3.1.2         Level requirements of fuel oil (BBM) in Indonesia has now reached more than 1.3 million barrels every day, while national oil production is only 950 barrels every day, due to increase national energy request continues to rise causing the government subsidies covered is higher.
3.1.3        Many ways that can be used to solve the BBM problems one of which is to develop the biofuel industry to produce biodiesel and bioethanol. Conditions and BBM shortages that now occurring should be the momentum for the government to set up policies that support usage biodiesel and bioethanol.
3.1.4        Impact that can be seen due to lack of availability of BBM in Indonesia, namely usage motor vehicles more increase. These factors occur because the cheapening of the price of motor vehicles in Indonesia. Generally, public transport users to switch to public transport because cheaevery and faster instead of using public transport without knowing those impact.

Government should be able to manage fuel wisely and correctly so that Indonesia could be a modern country such as other countries. Also began to instill awareness to the Indonesian people to start saving BBM.


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