Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Paper Basic Of Biology About The PLANTAE


Wontin Muyassaroh    (110210103036 )

Semester Odd 2011-2012


            World plants (Plantae) include all multicellular organisms, autotrop, photosynthetic. Plant cell walls prepared on cellulose compounds, and save excess carbohydrate in the form starch. Plants are multicellular, eukaryotic, photosynthetic autotrophs having cellulosic cell walls. All are embryophytes. However, not all organism with such a characteristic can be classified as plants. tPlants are organism that filly adjust to the terrestrial life, although few in whom live in the water like a lotus. Therefore, plants (Plantae) in the form
kormus (roots, stems and leaves true), the materials needed plants, such as light, CO2, water, and mineral obtained through various processes occurred in all three organs.
            Other than that all plants have chloroplasts with chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. Green algae are known to have only chlorophyll b. In the classification system of five kingdoms, the plants (Plantae) divided into several divisio. This includes the types of plant groups moss, ferns and seed plants. Plantae are classified as follows :
Kingdom Plantae (Embryophyta) is classified into the following divisions:
1. Bryophyta : Amphibians of plant kingdom, non vascular.
2. Pteridophyta : True root, stem and leaves, vascular tissue present.
3. Spermatophyta : Seed producing, vascular tissues present.
Spermatophyta are further divided into:
(a) Gymnospermae : naked seeded plants. Seed not enclosed in ovary.
(b) Angiospermae : seeds enclosed in ovary wall; are divided into :
(i) Dicotyledon : embryo with two cotyledons.
(ii) Monocotyledon : Single cotyledon in the embryo.

            Bryophytes are amphibians of plant kingdom as they complete their life cycle in both water and on land. They mainly grow in damp, shady places.
·         They are embryophytes that do not have vascular tissues (neither xylem nor phloem).
·         No true leaves and roots.
·         Sex organs are always surrounded by one or several layers of sterile cells.
There are three main types of bryophytes
1. Flat, ribbon like – Liverworts (Marchantia)
2. Small leafy stems – Mosses (Fanaria)
3. Flat thalloid – Hornworts or Anthoceros

            In all types of bryophytes, the main plant body is gametophyte, larger and more persistent and photosynthetically active which bears the sex organs. In mosses, the gametophytic plant body is a leafy stem called ‘gametophore’ but in liverworts and hornworts plant body is usually a thallus, that is ribbon-like or heart-shaped and bilaterally symmetrical. The body is without roots, stems and leaves. The plants are anchored to soil by rhizoids, unicellular in liverworts and hornworts and multicellullar in mosses. Rhizoids act as anchorage and also help in absorption of water from the substratum. The male sex organs are antheridia and female sex organs are archegonia. The gametes are produced in the sex organs. Male and female gametes fuse to give rise to a zygote which develops into a sporophyte. Sporophyte remains attached to gametophyte and depends on it for food and minerals. Sporogenous tissue in the sporophyte undergoes meiosis to produce haploid spores. The spores germinate to give rise to a gametophyte again
Gametophyte (Undergoes Mitosis): Gamete producing phase of plants Sporophyte (Undergoes Meiosis): Spore producing phase of plants In all three types of bryophytes, the life cycle shows Alternation of generations.       

Comparison of gametophytic and sporophytic phase
Gametophytic phase
Sporophytic phase
Haploid phase
Has sex organs
Produces gametes
4. Gametes are produced by mitosis 5. Dominant phase occupies most
of the life period
Diploid phase
Has spore producing structure
Produces spores
Spores are produced by meiosis
Short lived phase

·         The bryophytes are pioneers of vegetation, i.e. they are the first ones to growon various habitats like rock, lava, sand, water etc and act as soil binders.
·         The mosses hold water better than the soil thus improve the microhabitat for seeds of other plants to grow.
·         They are the source of food for fish and birds and for nesting materials for birds.

            Ferns or also known as ferns, some of which are used as ornamental plants. There are even fans eho colllected plants various types of ferns obtained from the different. Body structures and habitats ferns. Ferns are vascular plants that do not have seeds, has a unique body structure that distinguishes it from other plants. Dried rhizome of the maidenhair ferns stems branched and short segmented. In the dried rhizome root there, such as hair
is the root fibers. There is also a trunk-like ferns palm trunks, such as tree spikes (Cyathea). Tree spikes are still often found in the plains area
cold temperate high as at the foot of Mount Ungaran in the District of Semarang and Semarang City Gunungpati inland. There is also a body of plants such as wire nails (nails wire, Lycopodium).

(The Picture of Pteridophyta)
            There is a small leaf spikes (mikrofil) and some are large (makrofil). There are leaves of ferms specifically produces spores, the leaves are called sporofil and there are leaves that do not produce spores, called tropofil. However, not all types of leaves of ferns have a special function. For example on maidenhair ferns, all the leaves can produce spores. Roots, stems and leaves of ferns have xylem and phloem transport file.

Diagram Metagenesis Ferns Homospora

Life Cycle Of Ferns Ferns Have The Spore Or Sporangium Box
            In the sporangium produced spores. Many of the sporangium collected in a container called a sorus, which is protected by a membrane indusium.
            Phase formation of spores in the life cycle of ferns is called generation phase sporophytes are gamete formation called the gametophyte generation. Ferns have rotation descent (metagenesis) with two generations, namely generation sporophytes and gametophyte generation.
            Based on the type of spores, ferns ferns are divided into homospora, heterospora and homosporaheterospora transition. Homospora ferns produce spores of equal size can not distinguish between male and female spores, such as Lycopodium sp. (nails wire). Heterospora ferns produce spores of different sizes. Small male spores called microspores and large female spores called makrospora, such as Selageinella sp. (Nail rane), Marsilea sp.
(clover). Intermediate ferns produce spores males and females of the same size, for example debile Equisetum (horsetail).

Classification of ferns and the role
With the classification system of five kingdoms, ferns divisio divided into three, namely Lycophyta, Sphenophyta, Pterophyta.
a. Lycophyta (nails wire)
            This small-leaved ferns, arranged spiral, sporangium collected in Strobilus and appeared in the armpit leaves, such as wire rod. Example: Lycopodium sp. (Spike antlers), planted as an ornamental plant. Lycopodium clavatum, used as medicine.
b. Sphenophyta (genus)
            The small leaf, single and arrayed in a circle. Sporangium are arranged in Strobilus. Example: Equisetum debile (horsetail), grown in the plains tall, hollow stems, berbuku-books, and grow upright. Small leaves (mikrofil), contained in each book, circular, shaped scales
c. Pterophyta (Paku true)
            Pterophyta the ferns are often found around us, commonly called ferns. This large-leaved ferns, young leaves rolled, sporangium contained on sporofil. Example: Alsophilla glauca (nail the pole), are found in cool, mountainous regions, black trunks used for growing orchids. Cuneatum Adiantum (maidenhair ferns) and Asplenium nidus (nest nails), planted as an ornamental plant. Marsilea crenata (clover), live in swamps or watery land, used for vegetables.

1. Ferns are lower vascular plants. They contain vascular tissue. Vascular tissue
is made up of xylem and phloem which helps in conduction of water and
nutrients to all parts of the plant body. Pteridophytes are usually found in damp,
shady places or in gardens, on the hills where temperature is low.
2. The main plant body represents a sporophytic (diploid) generation and has roots
which penetrate the soil and absorb water.
3. The leaves (fronds) of sporophyte grow on thick horizontal underground stem or rhizome which bears adventitious roots. The young leaves and the base of fronds are covered by dry brown scales (remanta).
4. The young leaves show characteristic tightly coiled structure (see Fig. 3.2a). The axis of the leaves is called rachis and leaflets on both sides of rachis are called pinnae. The division of pinnae are known as pinnules.
5. On the under surface of the leaves, develop spore producing bodies called Sporangia. The sporogenous tissue in the sporangia undergoes meiosis to produce haploid spores.
6. The spores germinate into an independent small thallus like body, the gametophyte called prothallus. The prothallus bears antheridia and archegonia which produce male gametes and female gametes. The gametes fuse and zygote develops into a diploid sporophyte.
7. The young embryo absorbs nutrients from the gametophyte until its roots and  leaves are formed. The gametophyte then dies.
8. Gametophyte grows independent of sporophyte, and it lives for a short period of time but a new sporophyte is temporarily dependent upon a tiny gametophyte.

            Seed plants include all plants which produce seeds. This plant has significance for other organisms on earth. Human and animal food ingredients derived from plants many seeds.
            All seed plants are heterospora, which means has two different types of sporangia. Megasporangia megaspore that will produce a female gametophyte,
and mikrosporangia produce microspores that will the male gametophyte. Megaspore is formed in megasporangium protected by the integuments, which on the whole structure is called ovulum or ovule.
            Development megaspore is what will form the egg cell (ovum), if
ovum is fertilized by the sperm cells will grow into a zygote. Zygote develops into an embryo sporophytes. The entire ovule develops eventually forming seeds.
            In the classification system of five kingdoms, plants yielding seed
classified into two categories, namely open gymnosperms seed plants) and seed plants closed (Angiospermae). In this book, the discussion of seed plants are intended to introduce diversity. Thus, do not discuss the morphological characteristics and physiological functions in depth.
1. Open Seed Plants (Gymnosperms)
a. General characteristics
            Open seed plants can be either shrubs or trees. Open all seed plants have vascular issues xylem and phloem. Open seed plants, ferns and seed plants are covered with plants Tracheophyta groups, ie groups of plants that have vascular tissues xylem and phloem. What distinguishes this plant to plant seed in the open is going beyond the surface of the seeds contained megasporofilnya or analogy is called the carapace supporters ovule, which grouped into woody and Strobilus called conifers, except in plants cycads (Cycas rumphii).
b. Classification and its role
Plant seed in the open which is still to be found is a division Coniferophyta (conifer), Cycadophyta (cycads), Ginkgophyta (ginkgo), Gnetophyta (melinjo).
1) Coniferophyta (conifer)
            Conifer generally do not experience autumn leaves, needle-shaped leaves, life as a shrub or tree, has a conical Strobilus. There are two kinds Strobilus, Strobilus seeds or Strobilus Strobilus female and male pollen or Strobilus. Example: Pinus, Cupressus, Araucaria, Agathis, Sequoia, Juniperus, Taxus.
2) Cycadophyta (cycads)
Group cycads are found in tropical to sub-tropical. Characteristics that are typical for this plant is the stem that is not branched, compound leaves, such as leathertructured as a heading at the top of the elongated rod. all members married two. example: Cycas rumphii (cycads), planted as an ornamental plant.
3) Ginkgophyta (Ginko)
Members of this divisio extant Ginkgo biloba is (Ginko). Ginkgo is a large tree,  an reach a height of more than 30 meters. Broad leaf shaped like a fan, with a  otched parts inside. Menggarpu bone-shaped leaves. Ginkgo is a deciduous plants  ymnosperms, two homeless, hard seeds yellowish, about the size of marbles,  melled bad. Gingko is used as an ingredient of medicines and cosmetics.
4) Gnetophyta
It has a male Divisio Strobilus structured compound, leaves opposite or circularll vessels found in the secondary wood resin and there are no channels. Examplenetum gnemon gnemon (melinjo), young leaves, seeds and flowers can be veteablesed. Eeds made ​​into chips, bark is used as yarn or paper-making materials.

2. Plant Seed In a Closed (Angiospermae)
            Now this is a plant Angiospermae dominant, diverse, and occupies the area's most  xtensive distribution in the Earth's surface. It is estimated that up to now there are  bout 250,000 species of Angiospermae.
a. General characteristics
            Angiosperms have seeds or seeds would be in an enclosed structure called the leaves of fruit (carpels). The leaves of fruit surrounded by a special tool to form a compound structure called the flower breeding. In general, plants in the form of trees, shrubs, shrubs, lianas, or herbs. in
Among the living there are yearly Angiospermae there is a season, monoecious or married two.
b. Classification and its role
All Angiospermae divisio classified in a single, is Anthophyta. Divisio consists of  two classes, namely Monocotyledonae (monocotile) and Dicotyledonae (dikotile).

1.) Monocotyledonae (monocotile)
Includes all flowering plants that have single cotyledon (seed pieces only), upper trunk unbranched. Generally a single leaf, except in group palm (coconut, palm) leaves with bones curved or parallel. Xylem and phloem tissue in stems and roots scattered and not arranged cambium. Flowers have the parts in multiples of 3, the irregular shape and color are not flashy.
Some examples are important for example;
a) Family Liliaceae. An example is the Lilium longiflorum (Lilia church), Gloriosa superba (flower breech).
b) Family Amaryllidaceae. An example is the Agave cantala (kantala), sisalana agave (sisal).
c) Family Poaceae. Examples are Oryza sativa (rice), Zea mays (maize), Andropogon sorghum (cantel), Panicum miliaceum (barley).
d) Family Zingiberaceae. Examples are officinalle Zingiber (ginger), Curcuma domestica (turmeric), Alphinia galanga (laos), Kaempferia galanga (kencur).
e) Family Musaceae. Examples are paradisica Musa (banana), Musa textilis (Manila henep).
f) Family Orchidaceae. Examples are Phalaenopsis amabilis (orchid months), Dendrobium phalaenopsis (larat).
g) Family Arecaceae. Examples are Cocos nucifera (coconut), Arenga pinata (palm), Areca catechu (betel nut), Elais quineensis (palm oil).
h) Family Areceae. Examples are Colocasia esculenta (taro), Xanthosoma violaceum (bentul), Alocasia macrorhiza (sente).

2) Dicotyledonae (dikotile)
Includes all flowering plants having two cotyledons (two seed pieces). Leaves  with boned fingeres. The tunk have a cambium, therefore secondary growth. Xylem and phloem vessels arranged circular (concentric). The root of the root tip-riding roots are not protected by the membranes that cover the institution. The number of flower parts berkelipatan 4 or 5.
Some important examples include:
a) Euphorbiaceae (plant-jarakan distance), for example Euphorbia tirucalli (fractures), utilisima Manihot (cassava), brassiliensis Hevea (rubber, the).
b) Moraceae. An example is the Ficus Benjamina (spinach), Artocarpus communis (breadfruit tree).
c) Papilionaceae. An example are Vigna cinesis (long beans), Phaseolus radiatus (mung bean), Arachis hypogea (peanuts), Clitoria ternatea (flower telang).
d) Caesalpiniaceae. An example is Caesalpinia pulcherima (peacock flower), Tamarindus indica (tamarind).
e) Mimosaceae. An example is Mimosa pudica (sikejut), Leucaena glauca (lamtoro), and Parkia speciosa (banana).
f) Malvaceae. An example is the Gossypium sp. (cotton), Hibiscus tiliaceus (hibiscus).
g) Bombacaceae. An example is Durio zibethinus (durian), Ceiba pentandra (kapok).
h) Rutaceae. An example is the Citrus nobilis (orange tangerine), Citrus aurantifolia (lime).
i) Myrtaceae. An example is Eugenia aromatica (clove), Melaleuca leucodendron (white wood), and Psidium guajava (guava).
j) Verbenaceae. Examples are Tectona grandis (teak), Lantana camara (lantana).
k) Labiatae. Examples are tuberotus Coleus (potato black).
l) Convolvulaceae. An example is Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato), Ipomoea reptans (water spinach). Apocynaceae. An example is the Plumeria acuminata
(frangipani), Alamanda cathartica (Alamanda).
n) Rubiaceae. An example is the Cinchona suecirubra (quinine), Coffea arabica (arabica coffee) Coffea canephora (robusta coffee), Morinda citrifolia (noni).


1.      Write down some examples of kingdom Plantae!
1. moss plants (bryophyta)
- Moss leaf (musci)
- Moss liver (hepaticae)
- Horn moss (Antocerotaceae)
2. tmbuhan spikes (Pteridophyta)
- Nail naked (psilotinae)
- lycopodinae
- equisetinae
- filicinae
3. Seed plants (Spermatophyta)
a. seed plants (gymnosperms / pinophyta)
- Cycadopsida (cycads)
- Gnetaceae (melinjo)
- Pinaceae (pine)
- Ginkoceae (Gingko)
b. seed plants closed (angiosperms / Magnoliophyta)
- dikotile
- monocot
Lichen (lichens) is actually not a moss. It is the symbiosis between green algae with hyphae "mushrooms.
2.      What is the Spermatophyta?
Spermatophyta is a true member of the Plantae and produce seeds for breeding (kormofita seed) is a tool breeding can be observed so clearly referred to as Phanerogamae
3.      Mention the characteristics of Plantae!
a. Eukaryotic (have a nuclear membrane)
b. Cell wall consists of cellulose
c. Autotrophs
d. have chloroplasts
e. There is already a transport vessel, and some have not had vascular smooth. Not actively moving
g. Cells are already forming a network
h. There is a talus and there is no form of talus
i. There's that already have roots, stems and leaves of the true and there are no
j. Zygotnya already produce embryos
k. Reproduce asexuall
            l. Has a life cycle of rotation offspring (metagenesis)
            m. Multicellular body structure
4.      How the moss life cycle?
Moss had offspring rotation (metagenesis). In the life cycle, moss
experienced two phases of life, namely the phase gametophyte (haploid) and phase sporophytes (diploid). Male breeding tool in the form of antheridium and means of breeding females of archegonium.
5.      Are the general features of the angiosperms?
Angiosperms have seeds or seeds would be in an enclosed structure called the leaves of fruit (carpels). The leaves of fruit surrounded by a special tool to form a compound structure called the flower breeding. In general, plants in the form of trees, shrubs, shrubs, lianas, or herbs. Among the living there are yearly Angiospermae there is a season, monoecious or married two.
6.      Ferns are divided into how many divisions?
With the classification system of five kingdoms, ferns divisio divided into three, namely Lycophyta, Sphenophyta, Pterophyta.
7.      Describe the characteristics of Marchantia polymorpha!
The body-shaped sheet (thalus), grows attached to the upper surface of the soil, rocks, trees or cliffs wet. At the bottom there rizoid used to attach to and suck the water and minerals, not trunked and leafy. Vegetative reproduction by forming Gemma or buds. Meanwhile, generative reproduction by forming gametes. Male gamete-forming organs (antheridium) and female gametes forming organ (archegonium) separately on different sheets. This moss can be used as a drug hepatitis (liver inflammation).
8.      Explain what it leaves moss?
This moss can easily be found in a wet or damp, stick to the surface of the bricks, the walls and open spaces. His body is small, quasi-trunked upright and the leaves are arranged spiral sheets. At the base of the stem there are branched and bersepta rizoid serves as the root. Location of antheridium and archegonium separately. Although moss leaves are small, but its collective impact on the earth is very large. For example, peat moss (Sphagnum sp.) Cover at least 30% of the earth's land surface, with the highest density found in the polar north. Peat pile on a thick layer of peat soil can bind to organic carbon compounds. This mechanism is very important to stabilize concentrations of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere, thus reducing the impact of the greenhouse effect. Examples of groups mossy leaf is Polytrichum sp. shaped like velvet and is often found attached to the surface of the wet bricks.
9.      What is the Pteridophyta? Pteridophyta Plantae is true, because it already has vessels, and kormus complete. based on way of breeding is kormofita has spora ferns. Gamet so hard to observed breeding tool or so-called Cryptogamae. The fundamental difference between what dikotil and monocot plants?

10.  Describe the leaf spikes!
There is a small leaf spikes (mikrofil) and some are large (makrofil). There are leaves of ferns specifically produces spores, the leaves are called sporofil and there are leaves that do not produce spores, called tropofil. However, not all types of leaves of ferns have a special function. For example on maidenhair ferns, all the leaves can produce spores.
11.  Characteristics explain the proliferation of seed plants open!
            Open seed plants can be either shrubs or trees. Open all seed plants have     vascular tissues xylem and phloem. Open seed plants, ferns and seed      plants are covered with plants Tracheophyta groups, ie groups of plants             that have vascular tissues xylem and phloem. What distinguishes this plant             to plant seed in the open is going beyond the surface of the seeds           contained the megasphorofil or analogy is called the carapace supporters        ovule, which grouped into woody and Strobilus called conifers, except in   plants cycads (Cycas rumphii).
12.  Plants is....
Plants are multicellular organisms, photosynthetic autotrop, which
cell wall composed of cellulose compounds as well as save
excess carbohydrate in the form of starch.
13.  Low level plant include anything?
Include low levels of plant leaf moss (Bryophyta), liver moss           (Hepatophyta) and horn moss (Anthocerophyta). This plant is still in the      form of talus and yet have a clear cormus.
14.  Explain phase formed spores!
Phase formation of spores in the life cycle of ferns is called generation phase sporophytes and gamete formation called the gametophyte generation. Ferns have rotation descent (metagenesis) with two generations, the generation sporophytes and gametophyte generation
15.  Whereas higher plants include?
            Higher plants form cormus, which have roots, stems, leaves true.
16. List the specific roles of different types of Plantae in the environment to
the economy and the environment!
- As a producer for consumers in the food chain (Rice, herbaceous)
- As a means to meet human needs (woodous)
- As a measure of local humidity (fungi, moss)
- As a source of jobs for the community (Planting rice, cross-breeding)
- As the world's oxygen-producing


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